Wednesday, March 24, 2010



I want to share with you some questions I had when I first started to incorporate raw foods into my diet. Probably my biggest questions were:

• How do I consume adequate amounts of protein while avoiding animal-based products?
• How do I stay satiated (and not bored!) on a raw vegan diet?
• How do I maintain an enjoyable social life while adhering to a raw food lifestyle?

As it turned out, the answers were much simpler than I expected.

Those of you who are already into raw foods will probably be familiar with these Q&A’s but beginners should find this information beneficial. Of course, I highly encourage all of you to research for yourself, read books and articles on raw food, listen to interviews with raw food experts and educate yourself on this subject. If you have any questions, either leave your comments or e-mail me and I’d be happy to answer them in my next blog.

Have an awesome day!



What is raw food?

For food to be considered raw, it must never be exposed to temperatures over 46 C (115 F) because enzymes, vitamins and minerals are either killed or greatly reduced/altered, leaving the food depleted of its natural healing life force. This website promotes a healthy vegan diet (no animal products) where all recipes are made from whole food ingredients.

Why is raw food better than cooked food?

Raw foods are loaded with vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, carbohydrates, fats, water and fiber--all important for health. The cooking process destroys many of these essential nutrients.

Is it difficult to follow a raw food diet?

No, and it's getting easier and easier. Grocery stores are quite accommodating with their expanding organic produce sections. Farmer's markets and community-supported organic farms are a great option in the summer. There are even at-home produce delivery services in some urban areas.

Like any lifestyle change, transitioning over to raw food requires that you develop new habits and routines. If you are used to the heavy energy that comes from meats and cooked foods, incorporate raw foods slowly into your diet so you get used to being satiated by these lighter energy foods. Also, raw foods are cleansing and you might experience a temporary detox period during the initial phase of your transition. It is essential to be patient with yourself. And remember: make good habits and they will make you!

How do you get enough protein if you are not eating meat?

Most people considering a vegan diet ask this question. The simple answer is that you do not need to eat protein. Proteins are constructed from amino acids and, therefore, it is amino acids that you need to consume. Your body needs 22 amino acids in order to build protein molecules. Out of these 22 amino acids, there are 8 which the body cannot make and must get from outside sources. All 8 are available in raw plant foods and they are in a form that is easily assimilated and used by the body. All the amino acids your body needs can be derived from raw nuts, seeds, vegetables (especially leafy greens), sprouted grains and beans, fruits and seaweeds. Plant proteins generally break down for assimilation much more quickly than animal proteins.

Isn’t eating only raw food very restricting and boring?

Not at all! Raw foods are very versatile. As one discovers more and more varieties of fruits, vegetables, greens, nuts and seeds, sea vegetables (seaweeds), sprouted seeds and grains and super foods (raw powders of highly potent plants), one can see that it is a diet of abundance.

Raw foods can be consumed in their whole form or they can be prepared: chopped, grated, blended, juiced, dehydrated (up to 45 C), marinated or sprouted. The idea is to consume your food while it’s still full of life force, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and enzymes. You can make lots of different dishes ranging from simple to sophisticated. You'll be amazed how tasty they are.

And, above all, raw foods are highly nutritious--the best multivitamin/mineral formula in the most natural and delicious form.

Is an organic raw food diet expensive?

If your current diet consists of cheap corporate foods such as fast foods or artificial foods then, yes, it will be noticeably more expensive in the short-term. But a corporate-foods diet leads to toxicity and deficiencies and, eventually, disease can set in and become overwhelmingly expensive.

If you consume a lot of meat products, switching to an organic vegan diet is not more expensive.

If you already have a vegan diet composed of conventionally grown produce then switching to organic (non-GMO and no toxic chemicals) produce will be slightly more expensive.

The way I look at it is this: how much is health worth? It’s much cheaper to invest into health now than to deal with disease later. But health doesn't just mean avoiding disease. It's about living life in a body that is energetic, vital, and easy to move around in. We invest plenty of money into our vehicles to make sure they work right. Shouldn't we do the same for our bodies?

How does someone fit raw food into a busy lifestyle?

Raw food preparation is easy and it is usually quicker than cooking dishes from scratch. To prepare a satisfying raw lunch, all you need to do is chop some veggies for a salad, blend some greens and avocado for a delicious soup and select your favorite fruit/nuts for snacks. One tip is to make an extra amount of food for dinner and save some for your lunch the following day. For breakfast, one needs only a couple of minutes to make a quick, nutritious smoothie.

What are the health benefits of a raw food diet?

People who adhere to a raw food diet experience numerous health benefits over time. Some benefits include:
• Restoring optimal body weight: Those who are overweight will enjoy watching their bodies shed the extra pounds. Those who are undernourished will gain necessary weight from raw, nutrient-rich foods that contain sufficient calories.
• Looking and feeling younger: Increased energy, stamina, enthusiasm, and mental clarity, combined with glowing, healthy skin are big bonuses of a raw food diet.
• Eliminating existing disease and warding off future disease: A raw food diet is nourishing, detoxifying and alkalizing. This greatly strengthens the immune system and helps heal the body from all kinds of diseases including fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, diabetes and cancer.

How can I adhere to a raw food diet when I’m away from home or in a social setting?

When you go to non-raw food dinners at the homes of friends or family, take homemade raw dishes such as salads, dips and deserts to share with others. It gives you raw food options and others can enjoy them too.

Before you leave for extended travel, prepare a list of raw food/vegan/vegetarian restaurants and stores that sell organic produce in the area you'll be staying. Put in your stowed luggage a knife, a portable cutting board and a travel-size blender.

For one-day road trips, take your favorite fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds to snack on.

Are there any side effects to eating only raw food?

If your body is overburdened by toxins (chemicals such as pharmaceuticals, pesticides, household cleaners, cigarette smoke, food additives, pollutants, and heavy metals) it will try to detoxify itself via organs such as the liver and kidneys. If detoxification occurs too quickly, you might experience fever, chills, fatigue, headache or muscle pain. Raw foods promote detoxification, therefore, if you want to avoid these symptoms then introduce raw foods slowly into your diet. Once the body has reduced the toxins to a manageable level, people typically experience increasing health and well-being.

What equipment do I need to start a raw food diet?

The basic equipment necessary for preparing raw food dishes are a knife, cutting board, blender and food processor. A juicer is a great option too. If you want to make crackers, chips and patties a dehydrator is a must.

Is it satiating to eat only raw food?

Meat products and cooked foods feel heavy in the stomach because the body has a hard time breaking them down. This is why many people feel tired after consuming them. In contrast, raw vegan foods are loaded with enzymes so they leave you feeling light and energetic. As you transition over to raw vegan foods, you will get more and more used to feeling satiated by their "light energy".

Can one lose weight on a raw food diet?

Yes, body weight should normalize. This is the healthiest and most sustainable way to lose extra pounds while nourishing your body with essential nutrients--without counting calories!

How much of my diet should be composed of raw foods?

The more raw food you incorporate into your diet (over time), the better. Personally, I strive for an at-home diet comprised of 100% raw organic vegan foods. When I go out, I aim for at least 50% raw vegan food. It is essential to consume a wide variety of greens, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds to supply your body with all the necessary nutrients.

For those just starting out, I recommend a target of 50% raw and then slowly increasing the percentage over time. Even if you never achieve a 100% raw vegan diet, you will still experience benefits. The key is to be patient and enjoy the process. If you slowly incorporate raw food into every meal, you can be happily off cooked food in a matter of months.

Can I use raw food to detoxify my body? What are the symptoms of detoxification?

The level of toxicity in one's body is determined by exposure to toxins (anything that can harm body tissue) and the body's ability to get rid of toxins. Some sources of toxins are pesticides, cigarette smoke, household cleaners, pharmaceuticals, food additives, pollutants, silver-mercury dental fillings, chemical spills, cosmetics, hair products, and chlorine-treated water. Some (mild) signs of toxicity are indigestion, fatigue, poor skin, bad breath, foggy mind, constipation, and muscle pain. Chronic disease can develop if toxicity is allowed to worsen.

Eating organic, raw fruits and vegetables is an effective way to neutralize and eliminate toxins from the body. They provide the vitamins, nutrients and antioxidants that the body needs for detoxification. Also, since they are high in fiber and water content, they increase the frequency of bowel movements and urination. Consuming fresh green juices (e.g., lettuce, kale, spinach, wheat grass, parsley, etc.) promotes a more rapid detox.

If your body is not overburdened by toxins, switching to a raw food diet will produce little-to-no detoxification symptoms. If you have signs of toxicity, slowly transition to a raw food diet, otherwise you can experience headaches and flu-like symptoms.

Anyone with a serious illness should consult a health practitioner before embarking on a detoxification program. See my links section for information on alternative healing.

Is it better to switch to a raw food diet overnight or to take it one step at a time?

For the greatest long-term health benefits, it is important to approach the raw food diet as a lifestyle rather than a fad. Rapid lifestyle changes are often overwhelming and difficult to stick with. For most people, I recommend transitioning slowly to raw foods. Strong-willed individuals can do it over night but most people need 6-12 months. The key is to do it at YOUR pace, otherwise you won't last. The transition period shouldn't feel like torture--it should be enjoyable!

If you currently follow a conventional diet (i.e., mostly animal products and only small amounts of fruits and vegetables), I suggest the following stages of transition:
• Stage 1: For each meal (breakfast/lunch/dinner) add one raw food component. Experiment with raw food preparation and find some favorite dishes that can eventually become your daily staples.
• Stage 2: While maintaining stage 1, also make all between-meal snacks raw. Examples of raw snacks are smoothies, whole fruits, berries, raw nuts and seeds, dried fruits, etc.
• Stage 3: While maintaining stages 1 & 2, make one of your meals entirely raw.
• Stage 4: While maintaining stages 1 & 2, make two of your meals entirely raw.
• Stage 5: While maintaining stages 1 & 2, make all of your meals entirely raw.

As early as possible, it is important to incorporate green leafy vegetables (or green juices) into your diet (see my recipes section). Leafy greens help curb cravings for "unhealthy" foods.

What should I do if I crave meat products, cooked food or corporate foods?

Most people experience some cravings during the transition to raw foods. It is easier to avoid temptations when you don't have them around you. A good policy is to not keep temptations at home or at work. Always have available raw food snacks that you enjoy. In time, the cravings will subside--and at a faster rate if you consume plenty of green leafy vegetables or juices.

There is usually a psychological component to the cravings too. Comfort and moments of pleasure are often associated with certain foods. As you form new pleasurable associations with raw foods, they will become the foods you reach for.

The raw food lifestyle is neither a fad nor a religion. Think long-term and don't disparage yourself if you give in to a craving. The transition is an adventure and, if you are patient with yourself, it is an enjoyable one. Once you are through the initial detox process (if there is one) and your diet has become primarily raw vegan you should start to experience great benefits.

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