Sunday, September 5, 2010

Stuffed vine tomatoes

• 4 average-size vine tomatoes, cored

• ½ cup chopped parsley
• 1/3 cup chopped cilantro
• 1/3 cup finely chopped red bell pepper
• 1 stalk celery with leaves, finely chopped
• 1 tsp finely chopped red chili pepper
• ½ tsp mashed garlic
• ½ tsp sea salt

• 2 tbsp lemon juice
• 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

Preparation: Mix the stuffing ingredients together. Mix lemon juice and olive oil and add this marinade to the stuffing. Let sit for about 60 min. Cut the tops off the tomatoes and core them with a spoon to create cups. Fill the tomato cups with the marinated stuffing. Keeps in the fridge for about 2 days.

A must-see film: Food, Inc.

Below is a link to a documentary called Food, Inc. It reveals the unhealthy truth behind the food industry in North America. Many things that agribusiness has kept hidden are brought to light and, if you buy your food from a grocery store, your health depends on you watching it.

Food, Inc. was nominated for an Oscar.